Friday 7 November 2014

New Program in Testing Phase

Part of the process of growing up as a lifter is that you still love a new program, but you understand that for any given program to work you have to give it a fair chance, so you don't do nearly as much jumping around. It has been several months of Patrick Nyman's prilepin-based programming with great results, and I've been slowly but surely gathering data about my training - what I like, what I don't and what the next step will be.

Nyman's program is the sort of training that really seems to click with me. Relatively heavy weight, relatively few reps but more working sets which translated to high volume. I have begun to find however that I'll go into a workout of six triples at a given weight but i'll come out feeling like I could actually have done another six triples if i had two hours to train. My new program is fairly basic pyramid training, based on Prilepin's chart but at the high end, not the low end. It's a six week cycle like the old program, and rotates two days of high volume followed by a heavy day like the old program, but every day has six working sets. The exact percentages and other specifics will be revealed later depending how well this works, though the math minded will be able to figure it out fairly easily from the logs.

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