Friday 24 April 2015

April 23rd Swiss Bar Bench

Today was actually planned to be a swiss bar cheat curl to strict press with chains day, but I got immunizations for Brazil done on Monday and my medial delts are still blown up from them. Front delts were okay though so I just decided to do an easy bench workout.

Swiss Bar CG Bench

Warmups up to 215, 3 x 10 @ 215

Swiss Bar Cheat Curls

10 @ 50, 80, 80,100

Tricep Pressdowns

Saturday 4 April 2015

April Fools Box Squats

Every 6/5/4 squat day I feel like I'm not going to make it through but I just have to keep telling myself it's just six sets. Just get another one out of the way. Then it actually ends up being not too bad at all. Maybe I should do more warm-up sets.

Warm-ups up to 315

6 @ 330
5 @ 340
4 @ 355

No time for assistance work today, had to get to my class