Thursday 3 October 2013

Tabata Intervals Oct 1

Snuck in some training between teaching Kids BJJ and No-Gi today.

Tabata Double 20KG Kettlebell Push Cleans

Push Cleans are a really cool exercise that kills the grip if you do them right, and gets the heart rate up very quickly as well. After you rack the bells, you push them straight out with enough explosiveness that the kettlebells flip over and even out with your arm trajectory - as if you'd swung them up there. Then you activate your lats to pull the kettlebells down into the swing to load the hips at a high velocity. Once the kettlebells are on their way back up you have to activate the lats again to reign them in to the racked position.

For those of you unfamiliar with Tabata, it's a very efficient training protocol called IE1 created by Prof. Izumi Tabata for Olympic speed skaters in Japan. 20s work, 10s rest, repeated 8 times for a total of four minutes. Training this way a few times a week his athletes were able to markedly improve both their anerobic and aerobic capacity, which is impressive considering that the athletes were already Olympic level athletes - the cream of the crop.

My rep counts went as follows:

13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 12

Total: 97 Reps (3880KG volume)

This definitely jacked my heart rate up but I'll use 24's or 28's next time. I never had to stop to rest during an interval and I was having trouble cycling the cleans quickly enough to get more than 12-13 without technique getting crappy.

Tabata Plank w/Knee Tucks - Normal Plank during rest intervals

These were miserable... wasn't even counting, just trying to survive.

Plank Hold for Time - 1:40

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