Thursday 17 October 2013

Box Squat Work Capacity - Oct 14

Lately I've been beating myself up for my shitty 5/3/1 performances even though I know that it's going to take a back seat until the grading. My last couple of workouts, I've decided to take a bit of a mental break from 5/3/1 and do some different stuff. After the craziness of the grading is over, I'll pick it back up - though I may have to rework some of my numbers. It's really frustrating when you lose momentum, but true strength is measured across years, even decades, not weeks.

I got this idea from Louie Simmons in an athletic development workout he demonstrated during a workshop. He had the athlete do 16 triples, one every 30 seconds with a 1-minute break every four sets. We did it without the breaks, mainly because Brandon and I couldn't figure out a time breakdown where we could get into the rack, set up and squat before it was the other guy's turn. We basically just jumped in as soon as the other was done.

16 x 3 Dynamic Box Squats @ 205 + 90lbs band tension at lockout

We chose the weight based on roughly 50% intensity but while it got the heart rate up and got me breathing a bit heavier, it wasn't what I thought it would be. We were barely resting at all so I guess we would have to change the weight next time.

3 sets Hanging Knees to Elbows

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