Wednesday 3 June 2015

GS Training June 2

I'm back! I really never left, just got super frustrated by injuries and did most of my blogging on facebook instead of here for some reason. Anyway.

This was experiment number 2 of using GS as a way to introduce stability back into my shoulders and elbows that've been a nightmare ever since I started training for the worlds in Rio. I can still drill and roll but certain things - particularly takedowns - are a big hurdle right now. I get through 10, maybe 20 minutes of wrestling if I'm lucky before my arms are completely unusable. Barbell training has gone out the window almost entirely. I'm afraid to try deadlifting, and bench is okay but only on an incline with a swiss bar and relatively light weight. Even box squatting has suffered because I haven't been able to get as tight under the bar as I normally would. Yet... somehow GS feels otherworldly different. Of course I still have to be careful and I haven't tried anything heavy yet - limiting work to 24KG but I'm definitely taking the same joints through a full ROM and getting a lot more work done with a lot less pain. I can only surmise that it's the unique movement properties of the kettlebell, combined with the efficiency of the GS technique that allows this. I'm basically trying to look at this as a blessing in disguise.

Over the next few weeks I'm going to continue this sort of format - working for 10-20 minutes and playing with some shorter strongsport style rounds.

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