Wednesday 10 June 2015

Mini Pentathlon June 9

Normally the WKC pentathlon consists of five 6-minute rounds - cleans, long cycle strict press, jerk, half snatch, push press - with 5 mins rest between events. Within those rounds the kettlebell can't be put down but hand switches can be done any time. It's a great physical test, but I found that if you do the same events but 1-minute per event, per hand, and take out the rest breaks, it also makes a very nice little ten minute circuit!

I tried it out with a 24kg. Heavy weight is still too hard on the joints, I tried some long cycle work with 32 and 36kg last week and it didn't feel good at all. It might be time to invest in a 28kg competition bell, the jump to 32kg was never a big deal before but it is now and if I can work with a 28kg pain-free then it might be the key to a quicker overall recovery.

Video coming soon.

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