Saturday 28 March 2015

March 25 DE Lower Body

Agh. I can't believe I haven't recorded a workout in two weeks. Am I really that busy? Anyway this was an interesting day. I was actually supposed to box squat but couldn't get out of my parking stall. Long angry story. So I dealt with that, went to Arashi-Do early before my class and trained there instead.

KB Swings - the king, the classic. I don't see a lot of kettlebell instructors doing these in their own workouts and I have no idea why. You don't outgrow this exercise, you just forget about it.

20 @ 16, 24, 32, 40KG

3 x 20 @ 48 KG

I wasn't doing these for endurance so much as making them as quick, snappy and aggressive as possible, actively engaging my lats to throw the kettlebell down more quickly.

Pre-Charged Seated Long Jumps for Distance

Great movement. Basically I sit onto a 9" box, explode up into a knee-tuck jump, sit right back onto the box, then explode forward into a jump for distance.

10 Attempts - I didn't have anything to measure actual distance with, I just marked and tried to beat the last one each time. Interestingly, my longest jump was my fourth.

Low Squat Hops - 3 x 2 lengths of the dojo or roughly 60 hops.

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