Friday 30 May 2014

May 30's Steaming Pile of Kettlebell Pressing

So I woke up this morning pretty excited for my workout. The plan was to go to Arashi-Do and do some banded kettlebell pressing using the workout 180. I had a bit of breakfast and Assault at about 8 am, then headed off. Then I realized that I'd brought all my leashes and chains to the store when Brandon and I had meant to bring them to his garage gym. I need a leash as an extender for chains or bands when I use them for pressing so that the tension is displaced and timed properly. Not a huuuuuge deal though, I figured I'd just stop at Safeway and buy one. They're maybe ten dollars and Safeway is where I'd gotten my other ones. I walk around in Safeway, no leashes. Go to London Drugs, not open. Starting to get a bit frustrated, I figured I'd go to the sports and hunting place near Arashi-Do and check there. I get there, not open. Now a bit annoyed, I just decided the hell with it and went to Arashi-Do... only to discover when I arrived that I'd forgotten my other keyring and couldn't get in. By now it was 8:45 and the assault was kicking in but I was way the hell on the north side and locked out. Now wide open throttle pissed off I headed back to the south side and grabbed my keys. Now I had a choice - drive all the way back to Arashi-Do and press straight weight, or train at the store where I knew I had kettlebells and chains. I HATE training at the store. It's an awful atmosphere for training and you get awkwardly interrupted in the middle of sets by customers but thankfully I had a girl working this morning that could take care of it herself. I got to the store around 9:20, feeling dumped because of the now awfully timed assault but also the frustration.

Fives @ 8, 16, 20, 24, 32KG

5 @ 32KG + 4KG of chain
5 @ 32KG + 8KG of chain

This last set felt AWFUL. My new plan had been to do 3 sets of five with 32KG and 16KG of chain, which would've been very tough but doable I think. NO way that was happening. I decided instead to do kind of a West Side DE day by backing off to 32KG + 4KG, work on speed with short rest breaks to add up to enough volume in a short period of time to kill a horse. You know, if horses could press kettlebells and volume wasn't a big deal to them. I did ten sets of three per side with about 40-60 seconds of rest between sets. I filmed a couple of sets but setting up the phone, getting back to the kettlebell and setting up within the short rest break was annoying so I only did it twice and only one turned out well. This was my eighth or ninth set on my left arm.

I feel like it would've been a bit too easy on a good day but when I was done I felt like I'd made the right call to get the best possible work done this morning. Sometimes what's most important is just getting something in.

2 x 20 dips (all the assistance work I felt like doing)

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