Thursday 12 June 2014

Close Grip Bench Friday, June 6 at Axxis

Brandon couldn't make it today but I went back to Axxis to try an accessory upper day. They've got an old Apex bench that I absolutely love. The pad is probably about 12 inches and there's no taper so I can easily fit both shoulderblades on it. Trouble is, I didn't remember what programming was for that day and my phone was dead. I also accidentally locked up my stuff in the womens changeroom (the entrances look identical, the mens one is just a bit past it). I was just lucky that it was empty at the time, or it could've gotten really weird, really fast. Anyway, I ended up going a bit heavier than I normally would, especially without Brandon there to spot me.

Triples @ 45, 95, 115, 135, 155, 185, 205, 225, 245

5 x 3 @ 255

These were touch and go because I wanted a full range of motion but with the emphasis on the triceps. I had a few shaky reps but nothing major. It was a bit weird going heavier on my accessory day for close grip than I did on my last heavy wide grip day, but I have to keep reminding myself that the pause makes a huge difference and that it's an investment for later.

I did lateral raises, dips, pushdowns and curls for accessory work, don't remember sets of rep schemes.

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