Monday 29 December 2014

Bench Dec 28

Bench just feels better and better every time.

Warmups up to 225

6 @ 245
5 @ 255
4 @ 265

Fast and clean. There are two guys that have started benching every sunday around the same time Brandon and I do and every time I have the same internal conflict. They both lower the bar about 4 inches down and "spot" each other by lifting half the bar. They go up to 225 and from how shaky they are unracking it i think they might die if they went too low and actually tried to bench for real. I want to say something but I have too little time to train as it is without having to babysit ego-drunk idiots and there's a 99% chance they wouldn't listen anyway.


Sets of 10 - bw, +10, +25, +50, +55

Rear Laterals up to 30lbs for 10

Straight arm pulldowns - 3 x 10

Close grip pulldowns with squeeze - 3 x 10

Military Press Dec 23

Warmups up to 125

6 @ 130
5 @ 135
4 @ 140

Felt fine, though i'm beginning to notice that even though the weight is heavier, 135 feels smoother and easier on my joints. The balance of the 45lb plates must help. Maybe i'll try using 35lb plates for 115 and above next time.

Dips superset with Rear Laterals

3 x 20 each movement, 15lb dbs for laterals. I didn't have time to do my normal assistance so i just burned it out.

Box Squats Dec 22

Got some catching up to do. This was Day 1 of cycle 2 using the same numbers as cycle 1. Fortunately, things are already looking up. Day 1 was much better than last time. Day 2 is tomorrow and the 6/5/4 day is the hardest day so that will be the real test.

Warmups up to 295

7 @ 315
5 @ 335
3 @ 355

Leg Press

Sets of 10 with slow negatives

90, 180, 270, 360, 450, 540, 630, 720

Monday 22 December 2014

Bench Dec 21


7 @ 230
5 @ 245
3 @ 260


5 x 10 @ bw, +10, +25, +50, +50

DB Rear Lateral Raises

3 x 10 @ 20, 30, 40
1 x 10 with a pause at the top @ 15

Close Grip Rows

Sets of 10 up to the stack (250)

Saturday 20 December 2014

Dec 18 Military Press

Dropped the ball on workout logging again but I'm back!

Military Press

Warm-ups up to 115

7 @ 120
5 @ 130
3 @ 140
7 @ 125
5 @ 130
3 @ 140

The second 7 was an accident. I put the 5s on instead of the 2.5s. Still felt easy.


Bw, +10, +25, +45, +50

These are still moving nicely. I'm going to keep pushing them on both upper body days and see how far I can take them.

Lateral Raises - sets of 10 up to 40's
Standing EZ bar extensions with deep stretch and pause - 3 x 10 @ 20, 40, 60
Hammer Curls - up to 10 with 50's

Thursday 4 December 2014

Deadlifts Dec 4

Kinda sucked, partly cause of impending sickness and an awful sleep but mainly cause i've apparently lost my chalk bag. My hands got sweaty and the bar nearly slipped out of my right hand a couple of times. This wouldn't have been so bad if the bar had a chalk layer already but... Gold's. The weight is pretty easy though so it's in the books.

Warm-ups up to 335

4 @ 365
3 @ 390
2 @ 410

12 @ 290

Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Military Press Dec 3

Wasn't sure about training today. The plan was to do it in the morning, but I slept in. Then I had to teach elemental jiu-jitsu, and drive all the way across the city to run an errand for my wife. Thankfully I had my pre-workout on me so after a quick stop for something to mix it in and I dragged my ass to the gym.


6 @ 125
5 @ 130
4 @ 135


Weighted Dips - shoulder felt pretty good and dips have been getting easy so I tried adding some weight.

5 x 10 @ bw, +10, +25, +35, +45

Lateral Raises - sets of 10 up to 40's, then paused sets of 10s and 20s

Straight-across cable curls with a 3 second pause at the bridge of the nose - 3 x 10 @ 20, 40, 60lbs

Box Squats Dec 2

Warm-ups up to 295

315 x 7
335 x 5
355 x 3

Ab rollouts from knees - nose to floor 3 x 10. These are getting easy, time to start working on standing ones

Bench Nov 30

Warm-ups up to 205

7 @ 225
5 @ 240
3 @ 255

Dips 5 x 10
Close grip rows - sets of 6 up to 230, then a dropset starting at 250 x 10 and going all the way back down to 30
Face pulls - 3 x 20 @ 30